
Should You Use Wasp Spray For Self Defense?

Whether or not you should use wasp spray as a self defense weapon depends on your state’s laws and regulations. If you live in a state that does not regulate the use of wasp spray, you might want to consider buying a less lethal option.

Some of the chemicals used in wasp spray can cause serious medical and even death. In fact, wasp spray isn’t even approved as a self defense tool in most states.

It’s also illegal to use wasp spray on humans. If you do, you could face a lawsuit. It could even cost you everything you own. The most common alleged side effects of using wasp spray are nausea, headaches, increased heart rate and coordination problems.

The most important thing to know about using wasp spray as a self defense device is that it’s not a smart choice. The chemical oleoresin capsicum is a naturally occurring substance that causes a burning sensation. It also contains sodium channels that render the wasp immobile.

It’s also a good idea to wear eye protection. Some sprays contain chemicals that may irritate the eyes and even cause blindness. You should also use gloves.

There are no official studies on the effects of wasp spray as a self defense device. You may want to ask your local law enforcement agency whether or not they have been approached by someone who claims they use wasp spray as a self defense device. The answer might surprise you.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!