
How Wasps Damage Your Roof

Having wasps around your home can be a real threat to you and your family. Not only can they carry diseases, but they can also cause real damage to your home structure. Wasps have been known to chew through weather-worn shingles and roof gaps to gain access to your home. If the problem is severe, you may need to replace your roof boards and shingles.

Wasps can chew through a variety of materials, including wood, plasterboard, insulation, polystyrene, and thin plastics. They can also enter through small holes, cracks, or gaps in your roof. This is why it is important to detect the presence of wasps before they cause any damage.

One of the most obvious signs of wasp activity is a loud buzzing noise. The nest will also be accompanied by a pheromone scent.

Wasps have been known to build large bulbous nests under eaves. They will also build nests in sheds, garages, wall cavities, and other areas of protection. Wasps also nest in roof voids. If you see a wasp nest, it’s a good idea to remove it as soon as possible.

Keeping your home free from wasps is the best way to avoid damage. You can use wasp deterrents from trusted brands. You can also contact your local fire brigade for advice.

When wasps are building a nest, they will chew through wood. They will also create a burrow deep into the ground to keep the nest warm. Wasps can also damage your roof shingles and tiles.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!