How to Use a Vacuum to Vacuum Up Wasps
Using a vacuum to vacuum up wasps can be a useful way to remove them from your home. However, there are several things to remember before you begin.
To vacuum up wasps, first you will want to determine the location of the nest. This can be done by locating the opening of the nest. Then you will need to seal that opening. You can use a crevice tool or a broom stick to hold the items in place.
Once you have sealed the entry point, you will want to vacuum the nest. Be sure to wear protective clothing. This includes gloves and goggles. If you are spraying a solution, be sure to wear a mask and cover your face. You can also use a pop bottle to create a homemade vacuum attachment.
If you want to vacuum up wasps without risking getting stung, it is best to do it early in the season. These insects are more aggressive in the late summer and early autumn months.
If you do not want to use a vacuum, you can create a suction trap. This is a natural way to kill wasps. If you use a vacuum, you will be able to get close enough to the nest to squirt it. You can also spray the nest with hot water.
Be sure to wear protective clothing when using a vacuum to vacuum up wasps. You should also wear a mask if you are using a solution that contains silica aerogel. This is a dust that absorbs waxy coatings on insects. This dust can irritate your lungs.