
How to Remove Wasp Nests in the Ground

Despite their reputation as a nuisance, wasps can be beneficial members of the ecosystem. They are pollinators, and kill pests. They can be harmful, however, if their nest is located in your home. There are ways to remove a wasp nest without causing harm to your family or pets.

The first step to removing a wasp nest is to determine where it is located. Wasps will build their nests in a variety of places, including shrubs, trees, and the ground.

In-ground wasp nests are usually harder to see, but you can easily identify them by looking for signs of wasp activity. These include a mound of dirt or sand with a finger-sized hole in the center. Also, you may see wasps hovering around the nest. This indicates that the wasps are carrying food back to the nest.

Depending on where the nest is located, you may want to consider contacting a pest control service to remove the nest. Insecticides can also be used. The best time to treat a nest is in the early morning.

The most effective way to remove a wasp nest is to spray it directly with an insecticide. Insecticides that have active ingredients such as bifenthrin, tetramethrin, and deltamethrin can be very effective. You can also treat the nest with insecticidal dust at the entrance of the nest.

You can also treat wasp nests with lures or traps that are sold in stores. These products can be effective, but they are less effective than dust insecticides.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!