
How to React to Wasp Stings

Whether you are a child or an adult, a wasp sting can be quite painful. The pain will depend on the species and the amount of venom that you were stung with. In some cases, the pain can become so intense that you may have to visit the emergency room.

The first thing to do is to clean the area with soap and water. You may also want to apply a cold compress. This will reduce the pain and swelling. You can also use colloidal oatmeal or medicated skin creams to soothe the skin.

If you have a severe allergic reaction to a wasp sting, you need to seek medical assistance. A doctor can give you an antihistamine to relieve the pain. The first reaction to a wasp sting can be mild, but some people develop a severe allergic reaction that can be fatal.

If you have an allergic reaction to wasp venom, you may experience a reaction in the following areas. You will have redness, swelling, and itching. You may also experience shortness of breath and weakness.

A severe allergic reaction can occur after a single sting or on multiple stings. It can be life threatening, and needs immediate medical attention.

Wasps are considered to be aggressive insects, and you should be wary if they are around you. Some of them will attack you without warning. If you are attacked by a wasp, you should leave the area immediately.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!