
How to Prevent Wasps From Entering Through Air Conditioning

During the summer months, wasps can invade your home and make a nest in the air conditioning unit. These insects can cause serious damage to your home’s HVAC system, including the condenser. Wasps prefer to live in warm and damp interiors. They are also attracted to protein and sweet substances. You can prevent wasps from entering your home by sealing crevices, holes, and cracks.

You can also use decoys to lure wasps away from your home. A decoy wasp nest can be hung around the exterior of your home. You can also attach a fake nest to your air conditioning unit.

If you suspect that you have wasps in your home, you should contact a pest control specialist. They can spray industrial-grade pesticides to kill wasps. They can also remove wasp nests safely. These professionals can also inspect your ductwork and note structural damage.

You can also seal the ductwork to prevent wasps from entering your home. If there are gaps or cracks in your ducts, they should be sealed. You may also want to use duct tape to seal them. However, you should never use duct tape to close gaps that are larger than one inch.

If you have problems with wasps in your AC unit, you should contact a pest control professional. These experts can inspect your ductwork and recommend the best course of action. They can also seal your unit permanently.

You can also try making traps to keep wasps from entering your home. You can purchase traps at your local home improvement store or make one from household materials. You can also make traps out of a glass jar and fill it with sweet substances.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!