
How to Prevent Getting Stuck by a Paper Wasp

Getting stung by a paper wasp is not a fun experience. But fortunately, there are ways to prevent it from happening.

These insects have two antennae, a triangular side view, six legs, and a honeycomb structure for their nest. They are found in gardens, woods, and parks. Some species also build nests near their dwellings.

One of the best things about these insects is that they can be beneficial to your garden. The paper wasp lays eggs that will hatch into larvae that feed on caterpillars and other insects. However, these larvae are not as effective at pollinating as fuzzy-bodied bees.

The paper wasp’s main role in nature is as a cleaner up crew. Its venom delivers enough pain to convince large animals to leave them alone. They also sting when they think they are being threatened. They are also known to visit garbage cans in parks and recreation areas.

In the summer, paper wasps are more likely to sting humans. They sting to defend their nest. They are also known to collect dead insects and other creatures for their larvae.

The paper wasp’s main defense is its sting. It produces an attack pheromone when threatened. This pheromone is released to attract nestmates to join in the attack. If you are stung by a paper wasp, you should seek medical attention immediately. If the sting is serious, you could have a life-threatening allergic reaction. The best way to prevent getting stung by a paper wasp, is to make your home less attractive.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!