
How to Keep Wasps Attracted to Your Yard

Whether you have a backyard or a patio, wasps can be a problem. They can sting, bite, and even tear flesh. They are also capable of causing anaphylaxis. They are also known to nest in rock crevices, man-made structures, and underground.

There are several things you can do to keep wasps from visiting your yard. First, keep garbage and rubbish bins covered. You should also remove fallen fruit. Leaving rotting fruit around your home is also a bad idea.

You should also wear protective clothing. Make sure to cover your face and neck with clothing. Wear protective clothing that covers several layers. You can also tape cuffs to your clothing to keep them secure.

If you want to prevent wasps, consider using a wasp trap. A wasp trap consists of cutting the top of a plastic bottle and inverting it. Wasps will fly in and struggle to get out.

You can also try using light sources. Outdoor light bulbs and lanterns can be a big draw for wasps. Using a yellow or white light can help attract them.

If you have a problem with wasps, you may want to consider planting flowers with bright colors. Wasps like blue and purple flowers. Using flowers with a strong perfume will also make them a bit less likely to visit your yard.

In addition to the above tips, you can also try removing picnic scraps from outdoor areas. Wasps tend to feed on sugars.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!