
How Much Wasp Spray to Use

Whether you are using wasp spray for self defense or for general pest control, you will want to know how much to use. Sprays contain pyrethroids, which are a powerful pesticide that kills flying insects. The pyrethrins are packed into an aerosol bottle.

The aerosol sprays are designed to kill wasps in a short amount of time. They are designed to irritate the wasps’ nervous system, causing them to drop out of the air. They also work by paralyzing the wasps, causing them to die.

Sprays also have residual action, which means they will continue to work after they are applied. This allows you to kill stubborn wasps. You should also follow the directions on the product label.

If you’re using a wasp spray for self defense, make sure you wear long pants and stay at least 15 feet away from the nest. You also want to watch the activity in the nest. You may find that some of the wasps will come out to greet you.

If you’re using wasp spray for general pest control, you should choose a spray that has a spray range of at least 20 feet. This will allow you to spray from a distance that is safe. You can also use a spray that is intended for indoor use.

Wasp spray is often sold in an aerosol can of 12-20 ounces. It can also be sold in liquid concentrate form. It’s important to note that liquid concentrates will only work if you follow the directions on the label. You will also need to mix the liquid concentrate with water.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!