
How Much to Get Rid of Wasps Nest

Getting rid of a wasps nest can be done by a homeowner or a pest control company. The price to remove a wasps nest will depend on the size of the nest and the treatment required. The cost to remove a mud dauber nest can be anywhere from $300 to $600, while a bald faced hornet nest can cost between $400 and $800.

The sting of a wasp is painful. Its venom carries bacteria, which can migrate up the sting. The bacteria can be very harmful to people with allergies to insects.

A yellow jacket is the most aggressive of the wasps and is the most expensive to remove. The cost to remove a yellow jacket can vary from $500 to $700 depending on the size of the nest and the type of treatment required.

A mud dauber wasp is the least aggressive and is the least expensive to remove. The price to remove a mud dauber nest is usually around $300.

Having a wasps nest removed by a professional pest control company will save you time and money. These companies can handle both large and small infestations. They also provide trained technicians and safe pesticides to eliminate the problem.

Hiring a pest control company is also the environmentally friendly option. These companies can handle all types of infestations, including hidden ones.

You should also consider the cost of removing a wasps nest if you have pets. The cost to remove a wasps nest can also vary depending on where the nest is located.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!