
How Much Is Wasp Nest Removal?

Getting a professional wasp nest removal service is the most effective way to get rid of wasps from your home. A professional exterminator will use powerful products to kill the insects, and will also make sure the infestation is completely gone. The cost of a professional service will depend on the size and location of the nest, as well as the complexity of the work.

Wasps will build their nests in walls, chimneys, and other areas of the home that are difficult to reach. These nests can be expensive to remove. A typical homeowner will pay between $150 and $1,110 to remove a nest. This price will increase if the nest is located deep within the wall.

The type of wasp that you have will also affect the cost. A yellow jacket is the most expensive type of wasp to remove. These are social insects and have complex colonies. They can be more aggressive than other wasps, making them more difficult to remove.

Paper wasps are a common type of wasp. They are a non-aggressive wasp and typically build nests in areas that are easy to reach. A typical paper wasp nest can cost between $100 and $200 to remove.

The cost of wasp removal will also vary based on the severity of the infestation. Some infestations require prevention treatments as well. A typical homeowner may spend $200 to $300 for preventive measures.

If you have a bald-faced hornet, you may pay between $400 and $800 to remove it. These are not aggressive when they are away from the nest, and are often found in high trees.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!