
How Much Does Wasp Nest Removal Cost?

Various factors can influence the price of wasp nest removal. The size of the nest, the location, the type of wasp and the accessibility all play a part.

Usually, the easiest way to get rid of a wasp nest is to use a vacuum or powder. These are very effective. The powder can be dusted in cracks, gaps and small holes. The dust contains a substance called permethrin.

Other methods, such as a spray or a pyrethroid insecticide, are usually more effective. These are expensive. They can cost around $125 to $250.

The best way to get rid of a wasp’s nest is to have a professional do it. Wasps can be dangerous, and you need to be aware of them. This means you need to make sure you don’t get stung, which can be fatal. Wasps also can damage your property. The cost of repairs can run into thousands of dollars.

Wasps can also be dangerous to your pets. Their sting can cause allergic reactions, so it is best to avoid them. Several types of wasps are aggressive. Depending on the species, it may be easier to remove a small nest than a large hive.

A professional can also use special tools to remove a wasp’s nest. These may include specialized vacuums and chemicals. These are usually more expensive than conventional aerosols.

A small nest can also be removed with a quarterly pest control service. However, these costs can rise if there are multiple nests in your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!