How Much Does It Cost To Have An Exterminator For Wasps Remove The Nest?
Depending on the location and the species of the wasp, it may cost as little as $375 or as much as $1,300 to have an exterminator remove the nest. Typically, the first line of treatment is an aerosol spray. The spray kills the wasps on contact.
Another common method is to vacuum the nest. This is cheaper but can be ineffective if the nest is in a hard to reach place. Several treatments will be necessary to completely remove the nest.
Some techniques involve specialized equipment. For example, aerosol sprays and specialized vacuums are more effective.
Typical first line treatments use pyrethroid chemical insecticides. The amount of time required to remove the nest will depend on the species of wasp and the size of the nest. A single treatment may last from six to eight months.
The most expensive wasp species to eliminate are yellow jackets. These wereps have stings that are painful. Unlike bees, they do not generally build hives in the home. However, they can build a nest inside the walls of the house.
Another technique involves using a specialized vacuum to remove the nest. Using this method, an exterminator will be able to remove the nest without damaging the house. This method is not only cheaper but less likely to sting the home’s occupants.
If the infestation is severe, you may have to sign a contract for monthly treatment. Monthly treatments are typically $40 to $70.
Getting rid of a wasp infestation may seem like a daunting task, but it is easier than you think. Professional exterminators know what they are doing and can safely and effectively remove the nest from your home.