
How Many Wasps Are in the World?

Despite the negative connotation of wasps, they are an important part of our ecosystem. They prey on pests and provide valuable antibiotics in their venom. Scientists are asking the public for help in protecting wasps. They are in decline because of increased use of pesticides and global warming.

Wasps can be divided into two main categories: parasitic and social. The latter are more common. Parasitic wasps lay their eggs in a host’s body. The larvae then feed on the host’s carcass. Some of these parasitic species can be used in farming as pest control.

Social wasps are a group of over 1,000 species. These social wasps belong to the family Vespidae. They have a caste system and a queen that starts a new colony every spring. These colonies grow to 5,000 members. They prey on spiders, caterpillars and greenfly. They are also good at controlling pests.

Social wasps also have the longest name of any insect. They are the pinnacle of animal architects. They build subterranean combs and hanging nests.

One of the most common wasps in the world is the yellowjacket. These black and yellow/white striped insects build nests in the ground or in hollow logs. The nests are made of leaf litter and masticated wood pulp. They are also covered in pollen.

The largest of the social wasps is the Asian giant hornet. This species can grow to five centimetres in length. They are extremely adept hunters. They also have large stingers.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!