
How Long Do Wasps Stay in Your Home?

During the spring and summer, you may have noticed that wasps are continuously flying in and out of your home. Although they can be helpful, they are also an unwelcome guest. These insects can be dangerous to your family and pets. However, there are ways to control them.

Wasps build nests to survive, and they can be either social or solitary. Social wasps rely on the nests to provide food and reproductive opportunities. Solitary wasps do not have a colony, and they die of loneliness.

The queen of a wasp colony lives for a few weeks to several months. She is responsible for the nest’s structure. She builds the nest with wood fibre and saliva. She also feeds the larvae that emerge. These larvae regurgitate food for the other worker wasps. She is also responsible for producing new queens.

After the queen of the nest dies, a new queen takes her place. She lays eggs in the nest cells. The new queen also produces drones, which carry on the species. These drones also produce new queens.

In the spring, the mated queens emerge from the nest. They begin to lay eggs, which will form new queens. They also start to build a new nest. These nests will die off when winter comes.

After a few months, the mated queen dies of old age. The original queen and the remaining adult wasps die because of starvation. When the weather turns cold, the old queens are forced to die as well.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!