How Fast Do Wasps Reproduce?
During summer, the wasp queen builds a nest out of wood fibre. The nest is used to lay eggs. These eggs are fertilised and are then laid in pods like cells.
The queen wasp lays 100 eggs per day. She also has a job of building a nest for her young. She begins by constructing a centre stalk and building cells around it. She also covers her petiole with a chemical that repels ants.
During the fall, the queen wasp leaves the nest and goes on to find an overwintering spot. She then goes on to hibernate. She carries the colony’s bloodline with her when she hibernates.
When winter comes, most queen wasps die. The remaining workers look for food outside. They also feed the larvae inside the nest. These larvae transform into adult wasps.
After about a month, the larvae have completed their transformation into an adult. They then regurgitate food to worker wasps. They are then ready to pupate. When the larvae are ready to pupate, they spin silk caps over their cells. They then pupate like caterpillars.
The wasp queen dies after a year. Her workers then take over her duties. These workers will then lay eggs and feed the larvae. The eggs produced by the workers will produce male wasps.
The life cycle of the wasp varies from species to species. Some species can reproduce as many as 2000 eggs a day. Others only lay a few eggs. There are also species that reproduce suicidally.