
How Do You Get Wasps in Winter?

During the winter, wasps do not go out. They hibernate in their nests or in smaller spaces. They also eat fallen fruit and insects. They also build nests in attics, walls, ceilings and basements. Some species also hibernate in woodpiles, leaf litter, old logs and other sheltered places.

When the weather warms, the queen wasps start looking for a new nesting site. The queen lays eggs in the new nest. The young wasps continue to build the nest.

When winter sets in, the queen wasps starve to death. The male wasps, known as workers, are also killed because they do not have enough food to sustain themselves. They also spend the summer months looking after the queen.

The solitary wasps are parasitic and do not bother people unless provoked. They are most common in the United States. They nest in wall voids and in crevices near the roofline. They can also live in piles of dirt.

They can also enter the house through small crevices near the roofline. Some species are gregarious and are quite aggressive. The paper wasp, for example, has a banded abdomen and dangling legs. It can live in the main living areas of the home, but may not be seen until spring.

A wasp nest can be very large and dangerous for children and pets. It is best to have a professional pest controller remove it for you. You may also want to use fly screens to help keep insects from entering your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!