
How Do Wasps Survive Winter?

During the winter months, most wasps enter a state of dormancy. This means that they do not move around much and they cannot fly. They are very smart and can find a safe place to hibernate. However, the queen of the colony may starve to death if the weather is mild.

In the fall, the female wasps that will become queens start looking for a safe place to hibernate. Then in early spring, they start to become active. They are looking for a place to build a nest and lay their eggs. This is a race against time, and the queen will try to lay her eggs as soon as possible.

Once the weather warms up, the queen begins to lay eggs in a new colony. The workers of the colony help to tend to the eggs. They also help to increase the size of the nest. The nest will die out when it is too cold for the wasps.

Wasps do not eat or drink during the winter. They survive on fat stores that they build up during the summer. In addition, the queen wasps can produce glycerol to help protect against falling ice.

Wasp colonies are made up of thousands of wasps. However, most of the wasps will not survive the winter. These colonies die off because there is not enough food.

The queen wasp enters a home through a crack. The queen then finds a suitable place to build her nest. It is usually a small hole in the ground.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

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