
How Do Wasps Survive Cold Weather?

During winter, most wasp colonies are dormant. However, some species of wasp can survive the cold. Wasps live in a variety of habitats. These include tropical forests, deserts, sheds, garages, and even homes.

The cold weather may be a source of stress for the wasp colony. It can prevent the wasps from flying, which prevents the wasps from preserving their energy. This can cause them to die if the weather is very cold. It is a good idea to avoid wasps if you live in a cold climate.

The worker wasps will try to protect the queen in the home. However, as the weather gets colder, they will not be able to protect the queen. This will lead to starvation. This will eventually kill the worker wasps. However, the queen will survive.

The queen wasp enters into a semi-dormant state during winter. In the spring, she will lay eggs. These eggs hatch into young wasps. The young wasps continue to build a nest. The nest will be destroyed when the temperatures get too cold.

As the temperature drops, the queen wasp will enter a state of diapause. This is a period of inactivity that occurs for a few days at a time. In the spring, the queen wasp wakes up from hibernation. She lays eggs in the nest cells.

The queen wasp will then start building a nest in the attic or roofline of the home. As the temperature gets colder, she will hide in the crevices of the home. As she becomes more active in the spring, she will start building a new nest.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!