
How Do Wasps Replace Bees?

During the spring and summer months, many wasps come out of hiding and begin laying nests in buildings, trees, and other areas. These nests are made of wood fibres that are mixed with water. The wasp workers communicate in an intricate way to build these nests.

Some paper wasps have stings that can cause swelling and death. Typically, these nests are located near homes or attic rafters. The nests are made up of hexagonal cells that are exposed to the outside world.

Depending on the species, social wasps will lay their nests in tree trunks, branches, or in the eaves of buildings. The female wasp will mate with other wasps to form a queen. The queen must then rear the first batch of workers alone. These workers feed the queen and her offspring. The workers are very industrious and help the queen enlarge the nest.

These wasps are known to be aggressive about protecting their nests. They will sting multiple times if disturbed. They are also very predatory. They will feed on insects and spiders. Their stings are very painful and can be highly allergic to some people.

A bald faced hornet prefers to build nests in rotting trees. The nests are usually surrounded by dense leaf litter. A sting from a hornet will leave a painful welt.

The Asian giant hornet, or “murder hornet,” has been introduced to the West Coast. It is about two inches long and can sting a person. The venom contains neurotoxins and is very painful to humans.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!