
How Do Wasps Release Poison?

Despite its common name, wasps are not all that toxic. But a sting from a wasp can be dangerous. And, if you are allergic to the venom, it can cause serious side effects. And, in some cases, it can even kill you.

The venom contains enzymes that break down cell membranes. This is how it helps the wasp paralyze the prey for easier transportation back to the nest. It also contains neurotransmitters. This is why it can cause significant irritation to people who are allergic to it.

The venom is also deterrent. It contains enough pain to convince large animals to leave the wasp alone. Fortunately, most people don’t suffer from severe allergic reactions. But, in the rare case that a person does develop a severe allergic reaction, he or she should seek medical attention right away.

One way to get rid of a wasp sting is to wash the sting site with soap and water. You can also apply a cold pack on the sting. This will help reduce the swelling and the pain.

Another home remedy for wasp stings is to use vinegar. The acidity in vinegar helps neutralize the alkalinity in wasp stings. You can also apply colloidal oatmeal or medicated skin creams.

If you suffer from a severe allergic reaction, your doctor may prescribe epinephrine. You can also get a tetanus shot. You should call 911 right away if you think you are suffering from anaphylactic shock.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!