
How Do Wasps Go Into Figs?

Figs are tropical trees found in some Mediterranean countries. They are known for their enticing fragrance and their crunchy seeds. They have a complex pollination system. Wasps are essential to the fig’s pollination process. There are hundreds of species of figs. Some are pollinated by wasps, while others ripen without them. There are also self-pollinating figs. These are usually found in garden stores.

The female fig wasp is a bit smaller than a millimeter in length. The female wasp lays eggs inside the male fig, and then pollinates the male fig. The fig produces a special substance called ficin. It is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks down protein into amino acids. This process produces a tingling sensation. The female fig wasp then proceeds towards the eye of the fig. It has a two-day life span inside the fig.

The male fig wasp is a bit different. The male wasp is flightless, and does not lay eggs. The male wasp creates a tunnel through the fig to give the females a place to escape.

The female fig wasp is also different. The female fig wasp lays eggs inside the male figurative fig. She then goes into the forest to fertilize another fig.

The female fig wasp is the best fig pollinator in the wild. It carries pollen from one fig to another. It also spreads the fig’s scent. It then deposits the pollen in future seeds. The female fig wasp also produces the fig’s enzyme that breaks down the protein into amino acids.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!