
How Do Wasps Fit in Their Nest?

Whether you’re wondering how do wasps fit in their nest or how to get rid of them, you’ve come to the right place. The good news is that they’re not very aggressive and can be easily eliminated.

Wasps construct their nests in a variety of locations. These include trees, shrubs, and even porch overhangs. They’re usually made of paper or salivary secretions. However, some species of wasps build nests underground.

The queen wasp selects a location for the nest. She then breaks down wood fiber with her saliva. This pulp will form the papery substance used in the nest.

After the queen constructs the nest, it takes a few weeks to grow to its full size. The wasp larvae then help the queen enlarge the nest. They also help the queen rear her young.

The nest itself has a spherical shape and is made of wood fiber, paper pulp, and salivary secretions. It’s not uncommon for a nest to reach a football size.

Unlike bees, wasps don’t produce honey. Their main source of food is nectar. They’ll also feed on protein rich debris from trash. They also feed on fallen fruits around fruit trees.

When you see a wasp nest, back off. Wasps put a lot of work into their nests, so you shouldn’t knock them down. If you do, you risk getting stung. Instead, use a broom handle or baseball bat to take them out.

Wasps are also very protective of their nest. When they sense someone trying to harm them, they will become aggressive.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!