
How Did Wasps Die?

During winter months, a lot of wasps die. This is due to lack of food and cold weather. These insects are not made to endure cold temperatures.

The main goal of a wasp colony is to keep its queen alive. This is why queen wasps hibernate during the winter months. These queens are not allowed to feed themselves, because they don’t have time to do so. This is why they have to coordinate with other wasp nests.

After the winter, the queen wasp begins to lay eggs. These eggs will produce a new queen and a new generation of workers. These workers take care of the nest and tend to the eggs.

The worker wasps help the queen tend to the eggs. They also feed the larvae and take over feeding duties from the queen. The larvae regurgitate a sugary fluid made of insect exoskeletons.

Eventually, the adult wasps take care of the young. They also feed them high energy sugars. This helps the young grow up quickly. The last eggs to hatch develop into female wasps and male drones. They mate with other wasps to produce sexual progeny.

The queen wasp builds a nest that is the size of a golf ball. These nests are located in crevices or other sheltered places. These nests also provide a safe place for the queen to hibernate.

Queen wasps lay about 10-20 eggs. They then build a nest and feed the larvae. These larvae regurgitate sugary fluid that is made from tightly bound sugars. They also pulp wood for the queen.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!