
How Did Wasps Come to New Zealand?

Thousands of wasps have invaded New Zealand, destroying honeybee hives and causing massive economic damages. It has become one of the biggest insect problems in the world, and scientists are seeking solutions.

Wasps were introduced to New Zealand from Asia and Europe. They are a pest of rural and urban ecosystems. They also affect the health of humans and native biodiversity. In addition, they are disruptive of recreational activities.

One of the most common species is the common wasp, whose arrival in the 1970s quickly spread throughout the country. In 1987, it became the most common wasp in honeydew forests in most regions. Since then, it has spread throughout most cities.

Unlike the common wasp, the German wasp is not native to New Zealand. It originated in North Africa and Europe, where it was introduced as aircraft parts during World War II. It spread quickly through the country, and became a major pest.

The German wasp is a pest in many urban and rural ecosystems. It feeds on large numbers of insects, which in turn deplete the population of other insect life. It costs farmers around $70 million a year in damages.

Unlike the common wasp, however, the German wasp has no natural predators. It also consumes close to half of the honeydew produced by forest ecosystems each summer.

Both German and common wasps are social insects, meaning they live in colonies of honeycomb-like cells. In addition, they have caste systems, where all members of the colony help to raise young.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!