
How Cold Does It Have to Be Before Wasps Die?

Depending on the species, cold weather will not kill off all wasps. However, some species have very specific requirements. Some wereps, such as honeybees, are classified as heterothermic organisms. They will huddle up to maintain warmth in cold weather.

Similarly, some wasps will hibernate in warm spaces. They may hibernate in homes, garages, or even woodpiles. Despite these efforts, they may be killed off by severe frosts.

When temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the metabolic rate of the wasps slows down. This results in a shortened life span for the wasps. The process of decoupling the metabolic rate from the temperature is called acclimatization.

The simplest way to measure this is the wasp’s body temperature. The body temperature of the wasp is up to 2.5 deg C higher than the ambient temperature. This is because the wasps muscles are well insulated. They also use their wings to move air in the nest.

A wasp’s thorax is also warmer than the ambient temperature. This is due to the structure of the body fluids. When it is not flying, the wasps thorax warms up faster.

In fact, the temperature at which a wasp can hibernate is up to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Wasps can also hibernate in woodpiles, expansion roofs, and in attics.

Aside from being a swarming nuisance, wasps can cause a lot of damage. They may even stick to you, making them more likely to sting you. They also love anything sweet, such as cola and donuts. In fact, wasps are known to pinch frosting off donuts.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!