
How Can Wasps Make a Nest in Brickwork?

Keeping your home free of wasps is the best way to protect it from damage. Wasps can chew their way through drywall and wood, and can destroy your wall’s structural integrity. They are also known to chew through screens and plastic.

During the spring and summer, wasps can nest in many places, including walls, lofts, sheds, garages, and even in the eaves of your home. Often, these nests are built under the eaves of the house, under the fascias, or in a bulbous structure inside a wall cavity. These nests can be large, and if the number of wasps increases, they can cause a lot of structural damage.

Typically, wasps can be detected by their buzzing sounds. They can also make a crackling sound when chewing. This noise is usually heard during the day.

If you think you may have a wasp nest in your home, try to locate it as soon as possible. Taking a few minutes to observe the flight patterns of the wasps may give you a clue. Wasps often travel in the same direction, and they will be coming in from the same location. You may also hear buzzing noises inside the walls, or see wasps entering and exiting the holes.

If you think you have a wasp nest in your home, it is best to contact a professional to get rid of it. Wasps can cause a lot of damage, and their stings can be painful.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!