
How Can Wasps Eat Through Walls?

Whether you are building a new home or have a preexisting home, there are many different ways you can keep wasps away from your house. The first step is to prevent wasps from gaining access to your house in the first place.

One of the best ways to prevent wasps is to block off any possible entry points. For example, you can cover holes in your siding, shingles, or brick wall. Alternatively, you can install a metal framed screen. These screens are the best choice for keeping wasps out of your home.

Another way to prevent wasps is to make sure your home has adequate insulation. If you have damaged insulation, you should upgrade it. You should also seal any cracks or holes. If you don’t seal them, the wasps will use them to gain entry into your home.

If you are dealing with yellow jackets, you can spray them with pyrethrum aerosol at night. Yellow jacket nests tend to get bigger as the year goes on. You can also use carpenter bee foam to keep bees and wasps out of your home. It’s usually marketed as a bee repellent.

You can also make sure to avoid putting sugary or sweet foods in places where you know wasps are present. While bees and wasps are beneficial, they are also a threat. They help maintain a healthy balance between the ecosystem. They promote the growth of crops, and they also keep things in check.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!