
How Can Wasps Attack You?

Getting stung by wasps isn’t the end of the world. In fact, most healthy adults can survive a single wasp sting. However, if you have multiple stings, you can end up with an allergic reaction. It can be very painful, but your body’s immune system is designed to fight off animal bites.

Wasps have venom that’s packed with a pheromone that attracts other wasps to the sting site. They use this to get your attention and protect their nest. It is also a deterrent.

Wasps are territorial and will attack anyone who threatens their nest. They will also attack people who try to move their nest, or enter it. They also build nests in trees and corners of homes.

Wasps are very attracted to a variety of foods, including sweet and meat snacks. You can also attract wasps with bright colors. Wearing red or yellow is an easy way to deter wasps from your home.

Wasps can be a nuisance when you’re at a picnic or beer garden, but don’t panic. You aren’t likely to get stung by one wasp, but you might get stung multiple times. Wasps have a tendency to target your face, so cover your mouth, eyes, and nose when you’re surrounded by them.

Wasps are also known to release a pheromone called the “scared for its life” pheromone, which attracts other wasps to the hive. Wasps aren’t rational though, and they’ll attack you if they feel threatened.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!