
How Can I Get Rid of Wasps?

Whether you’re trying to get rid of wasps in your home or in the yard, there are several tips you can follow. If you’re dealing with a large nest, though, hiring a professional is probably your best bet. The pest control company can determine the extent of the problem and help you get rid of it. They can also help you prevent new colonies from forming.

If you’re dealing with a small wasp nest, you can try using soap and water. Dish soap mixed with water is an effective repellent. This works by clogging the wasp’s breathing pores, which will make them die in an instant.

You can also use essential oils to help repel wasps. Lemongrass, clove, and geranium oil all have a smell that repels wasps. You can also mix a few drops of these oils with water and use them as a spray. You should always follow the directions of the manufacturer, however.

If you’re dealing with stinging insects, you can also use emergency insecticides. These come in aerosol sprays and dusts and are intended to kill wasps and other stinging insects immediately.

You should also consider sealing off any entry points to your home. These include exterior cracks, window frames, the attic, and the basement. You should also take care to seal up garbage cans and compost piles. This will keep wasps from finding their food sources.

If you’re trying to get rid of wasps, you should also check your home for signs of nest activity. Wasps like to build nests in crevices, hollows, and cracks.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!