How Big Are Tarantula Hawk Wasps?
Among the many different kinds of wasps, the tarantula hawk wasp is one of the largest. Their body is black with a blue or orange wing. They have long, black, hooked claws and large antennae. They can be found in a variety of desert habitats. They are not often seen in swarms and they are relatively docile. They are found throughout the world, except Antarctica.
The tarantula hawk wasp has an unusually long sting. Its sting is one of the most painful in the world. It stings by paralyzing the prey with a stinger that is about half an inch long. The sting is so painful that many people report having a mild shock throughout their body. The sting usually occurs accidentally.
Tarantula hawk wasps are found all over the world. They are most common in southern California and in areas with tarantulas. They are also common in chaparral communities. Their main food is tarantulas and spiders. They usually don’t stay in areas where they can’t find food. They are also known to live in areas where there are plants that produce pollen. They are a great source of protein for their offspring.
Tarantula hawk wasps have a life cycle that includes an egg, which is laid on a prey spider. When the egg hatches, the larvae burrow into the prey’s body, where they feed for several weeks. When the adult wasp is ready, it will feed off of the prey’s innards.