
How Big Are Paper Wasps?

Unlike yellowjackets and hornets, paper wasps are solitary insects. They are also slow fliers. These insects feed on various insects including beetle larvae and caterpillars. They live in woodlands and forests. They prey on bugs that can harm crops and flowers. They have a caste of workers, queens and males. Paper wasps are beneficial to gardens, as they remove insect pests.

The paper wasp’s nest is made of saliva and wood fragments. The nest is usually attached to a wood or metal surface. In order to protect the nest, the paper wasp will aggressively defend it.

A paper wasp colony is made up of 20 to 75 adult wasps. Most of the wasps are males. They die after mating season. A mated female usually leaves the nest to find a new nesting location. The queen and other females may also join the mated female.

Paper wasps are not as aggressive as yellowjackets or hornets. However, they can be a problem if they nest in your house or shed. You can remove nests by spraying them with a pressurized spray stream. A flyswatter is also effective.

Paper wasp colonies grow rapidly throughout the summer. They usually reach a maximum size by late summer. Only the queen survives the winter. Her nest will be abandoned during the late fall or winter.

The paper wasp’s nest will typically include dozens of cells. Each cell contains a single comb. The queens will lay eggs, and workers will forage for food.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!