
How Are Wasps Getting in My House?

Unless you’re a professional exterminator, you’re probably wondering, “How are wasps getting in my house?” The truth is that they can easily get in your home if they’re not careful. They can enter through holes in the walls or through cracks in the floor.

You can prevent wasps from entering your house by closing openings. You can also protect yourself from wasps by using gloves, glasses, and long sleeves. You may also need to use a vacuum on tight areas.

Besides these tips, you can also use baiting to trap wasps. You can use baits like soda bottle tops filled with soda, vinegar, or lunchmeat. You can also use disposable bags to trap wasps.

Another way to keep wasps from getting into your house is by cleaning your chimney. You should have a chimney sweep inspect your chimney and flue annually. You should also check the vents on your ceiling and floors for holes.

Wasps can also enter your home through small cracks around your windows and doors. They may enter your home by accident or for a more intentional purpose. They will look for a protected indoor space for nesting. They will also seek alternative food sources.

Wasps can also enter your house if you have a garbage bin full of food waste. Wasps are known to eat rotting fruits and vegetables, and they will also feed on fish and meat. They can also be attracted to sugar and water.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!