
Does Peppermint Oil Repeal Wasps?

During the summer months wasps can become a problem. They can sting people, causing pain and irritation. They can build nests in various places. They can be a problem indoors as well. Luckily there are several home remedies that can help you get rid of them.

Peppermint oil is one of the best natural wasp repellents. It can be used in spray form or in a cotton ball. Before you apply it, you should make sure that it has been diluted properly. You may also want to wear gloves and protective glasses.

Other natural wasp deterrents include citronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass, geranium, and clove. Each of these oils can be mixed with water to make a solution. Then you can spray the solution on the area where the wasps are building their nest. You can also hang cotton balls soaked with peppermint oil near the nest.

Using a combination of essential oils is one of the best natural wasp deterrents. If you have small infestations, you may want to try these remedies. However, if you have a larger problem, you may want to contact a professional exterminator.

Peppermint oil is not toxic and can be applied safely without stinging you. However, you should wear gloves and full sleeves when applying it. You should also avoid spraying it in your eyes. You should also rinse it off your skin afterward. If you accidentally ingest peppermint oil, contact a medical professional.

If you do not have peppermint oil, you can mix a few drops of lemongrass essential oil and some clove essential oil into a small amount of water. You can also mix it with a little dish soap.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!