
Do Wasps Live in the Ground?

During the summer, most wasps feed on insects and fruit juices. They are beneficial to the garden as they control insect pests. But, they can be aggressive. If you are afraid of wasps, it is a good idea to seal off entry points to your home and garden.

Various species of wasps prefer different nesting sites. Some species build nests in shrubs, trees, and rock crevices. Others prefer underground nesting sites. Some species fly around in large groups.

Some wasps are not aggressive at all. Others can sting you, which can be painful. These stings can cause swelling. Wasps can also be dangerous around small children and pets. If you suspect you have wasps, it is a good time to call a pest control specialist.

Social wasps are yellow in color. They are known as yellow jackets in some parts of the world. They can be very aggressive and may starve when food sources disappear in the cold weather. Several species of social wasps live in colonies. They build their nests in rotten wood or in burrows in the ground.

Digger wasps live in North America. They have translucent orange wings and yellow abdomen stripes. The cicada killer wasp is a popular type of digger wasp. It has a hornet-like appearance and can grow to half an adult’s finger.

Ground wasps nest in piles of rotted wood, mulch, and shrubs. They are attracted to floral patterns and perfumes. Some species prefer sunny locations.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!