
Do Wasps Have Poison?

Those who have a history of bee or wasp allergies should avoid the nests and stings of these insects. The venom of wasps can cause a severe allergic reaction. This is known as anaphylaxis and can be life threatening. You should call for help immediately.

Wasps only sting when threatened. This is a defense mechanism. If they sense you are threatening their nest they will attack. They will do so in large numbers.

A wasp sting is a painful, itchy welt. You may even see a small puncture wound. There may even be a drop of blood in the center of the wound. The pain lasts for several minutes.

The pain is caused by a chemical called acetylcholine. This chemical stimulates pain receptors and sends signals back to the brain. The brain responds by sending pain signals to the affected area.

The swelling at the sting site can last for up to 24 hours. A cold compress can help reduce the swelling. Another home remedy is applying colloidal oatmeal to the stung area.

Using antihistamine drugs can be helpful in reducing the pain. However, these drugs can have side effects such as drowsiness. Some people may also experience stomach irritation.

It is a good idea to get medical attention if you have a severe reaction to a wasp sting. Your local emergency room can give you advice on what to do. You may also want to get a tetanus shot if you haven’t had it in a while.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!