Do Wasps Do Anything Positive?
Sadly, wasps have a bad reputation. They are often portrayed as pests that are harmful to humans. However, they are very important to the ecosystem. They regulate insect populations and pollinate flowers.
Wasps also help control pests. They eat flies, caterpillars, and beetle larvae. They are often found around rotting fruit and garbage.
Researchers have found that social wasps can be beneficial for local pest control. These insects can sting you when you get too close to a colony. However, the colonists in the West Indies have found that their use of social wasps on plantations led to a reduction in pests on their crops.
Another positive aspect of wasps is their antibiotic properties. They produce a compound called mastoparan that is highly effective against cancerous cells. It also has amphipathic peptides, which help to target cancer cells. However, there is only limited practical application for the compound.
Researchers have found that yellowjackets are effective predators of insects. They feed on caterpillars and flies and have been found in soda cans.
Wasps also have important roles in pollinating flowers. However, they have not received as much attention as bees. As climate change causes extreme weather, wasps are becoming increasingly endangered.
Researchers have also found that the venom of yellowjackets could potentially be used as a cancer treatment. In addition, the venom of social wasps contains a compound called mastoparan that has cancer cell killing properties. It may also help with treating human illnesses.