
Do Wasps Come Out in Cold Weather?

During winter months, you might be wondering, “do wasps come out in cold weather?” While there are some species that can fly at lower temperatures, most social wasps do not.

When the temperatures are cold, wasps enter a dormant state known as diapause. They slow down their metabolism and development, and may stay inactive for days at a time. They also release chemical pheromones to let the rest of the nest know that they are swarming.

Many different wasp species behave differently in different seasons. Some, such as the yellow jacket, are more aggressive. They often sting people without provocation. Other wasps, such as the solitary wasp, do not bother people unless provoked.

Queen wasps hibernate in cold weather. The queen is very hardy and will usually find a safe place to hibernate. Then, she searches for a new colony site to lay eggs. When the weather warms up, she builds a nest and begins laying eggs.

During winter, solitary wasp larvae also enter hibernation. They live on the ground over winter and emerge in the spring. They also build nests in layers.

The queen wasp also searches for a sheltered place to overwinter. When the weather starts to get cold, she begins to die. Her workers, however, continue to care for her. She will try to hide in a warm place, such as the attic or the interior of your home.

You may also see a wasp sting you multiple times without losing a stinger. Wasps are very territorial, and are likely to sting you if you approach them in a dangerous way.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!