
Do Wasps Build Nests in Trees?

Whether you’re a homeowner or gardener, you’re probably wondering, “do wasps build nests in trees?” These insects are notoriously irritating, but they’re also helpful in keeping other pests under control. They are also good pollinators. They will burrow into fruit to get their sugary juices.

Some wasps make their nests in the ground, while others build theirs above ground. These nests are made of plant pulp, wood fibres, and saliva. They can be large or small, but they usually have an oval shape.

Some social wasps make their nests in cavities, buildings, rock crevices, and hollow trees. They prefer to hide from enemies, and may build their nests in places that you wouldn’t think they would. These include hollow trees, foxholes, and even in your attic or basement.

The paper wasp makes a nest out of wood fibers, saliva, and the aforementioned small wad of paper. The nest is shaped like a paper mache football and may be found in a variety of places. The nest grows in size with each generation, and will likely become larger as the weather warms.

The yellow jacket is another of the insects that nests in trees. Its smooth body has distinctive yellow and black stripes. They can also be found nesting in eaves and shrubs. They can be a bit more aggressive than other wasps, and can sting you when you walk outside. They are also known for their swarming habits.

The most important part of any wasp’s nest is the queen. Once the queen dies, the nest won’t rebuild.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!