
Different Sizes of Wasps

Generally people view wasps as pests, but some species are important to the ecosystem. Wasps are predatory flying insects and pollinate flowers and trees. They are also good sources of organic pest control. Some species are eusocial, meaning they live in large numbers. These colonies can sting humans if they get too close. However, most people are not affected by stinging wasps.

There are many different species of wasps, but the most common are social species. Social wasps live in large numbers and are a nuisance. Their nests are often in wooded areas or on manmade structures. They sting humans when they get too close to the nest. Some species can be found inside houses or attics, and may attack when the nest is disturbed.

Some wasps are eusocial, meaning they live together in colonies. The majority of wasps are parasitoids. The males of a social wasp colony fly around the nesting site, while the females stay in the nest. They feed the larvae. They also gather mud to construct the nests. There are many different species of mud wasps.

Other wasps are solitary. The great black wasp, for example, has a black body, purple wings and a stinger. These wereps are referred to as the great black wasp because the stinger is painful.

These wasps are native to Europe and Asia. The wingspan of the Asian giant hornet is up to three inches. It is also called the Japanese giant hornet or murder hornet. Its sting can be very painful, and can be deadly if it hits a human.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!