
Did You Know Wasps Make Honeycomb?

Despite the name, honeycomb is not the same thing as wasp nests. The latter is an enclosed paper-like structure that wasps construct to house young.

Wasps are classified in the family Hymenoptera, a group of stinging insects. Wasps are characterized by their tapered abdomen and bright yellow and black rings. Some of these insects are predators and others are non-aggressive. While most wasps do not make honey, a few species do.

The most common type of nest built by wasps is made from paper pulp. This is a substance created by chewing and mixing wood fibers with their saliva. Some wasps make paper nests to feed young larvae. Others use paper nests to raise brood. The queen’s saliva breaks down the wood fibers to form malleable pulp.

Paper nests are also used by some wasps to store nectar. These insects are social wasps. They build their nests in sheltered locations. Some species prefer underground nests. Others prefer man-made structures.

A wasp’s sting is a strong one and it can sting multiple times. It also has a smooth abdomen. Wasps are classified in the phylum Arthropoda. Other wasps are orange or blue, or are red or black. They are generally parasitic.

Wasps are carnivores and feed on insects, flowers, and fruit. They are also capable of collecting honeydew, which is a sweet liquid secreted by bugs. They also regulate the population of crop pests.

Wasps are found in both South and Central America. There are 17 species of honey wasps. Some of these species have multiple queens. Some of these species are able to produce up to 100 eggs a day.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!