
Can Wasps Play Dead?

Whether you’re a fan of wasps or not, you may have heard the term “play dead” before. This is a term used by many animals and insects as a way to avoid being noticed.

Wasps are a species of social insect that live in colonies. These colonies contain thousands of wasps. Some species of wasps live in buildings and others live in trees.

Wasps will attack you if you get too close to their nest. You can protect yourself by leaving the nest alone and never touching a dead wasp. If you are surrounded by wasps, cover your face and mouth. You may also want to carry a epinephrine injection pen for emergencies.

Wasps are venomous and can sting multiple times. If you are bitten, you may suffer anaphylactic shock, a life-threatening reaction. You may also suffer nausea and vomiting.

Wasps use a pheromone to communicate with other members of their colony. If a wasp is attacked, they will release a chemical signal to warn other members of their colony. Similarly, if a wasp dies, they will release a stronger pheromone signal to alert other members of their colony.

Wasps are also very territorial, and will attack people who are trying to destroy their nest. If you have a nest in your house, you should contact a pest control professional. You can also treat the nest with proprietary brands of insecticide.

If you are surrounded by wasps, move away slowly and cover your face. You should also avoid swimming.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!