
Can Wasps Nest in Walls?

Detecting the presence of wasps nesting in your wall can be quite unsettling. You may hear a buzzing sound or see wasps chewing on your drywall. In this case, you should call a professional pest control service right away. They will come in and use a dust formulation to remove the wasps in one shot.

Wasps tend to build nests in dark areas, such as the space between walls, as well as in the eaves and around sheds. However, they will also build nests inside your home. The wasps in your wall cavity will probably have snuck in through a small hole in the brickwork.

Wasps in walls can cause significant damage to your home. They can chew through the walls and ceilings, soften the drywall, and cause water damage. The weight of the nest can also weaken the ceilings.

If you have noticed wasps nesting inside your wall, you should call a pest control service right away. You should also call a professional if you have allergies to wasp stings. Wasp stings can be very painful. You should also be aware that wasps can sting you if they feel threatened. They are aggressive during the riddance process and can be dangerous.

A professional can also help you to find the nest. They will take a close look at your home and determine the exact location of the wasp nest. They can then use a pesticide applicator to treat it.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!