
Can Wasps Hear You?

Unless you live in a neighborhood where wasps are commonly seen, you might not know that they can hear you. They can, however, use their antennae to pick up vibrations in the air. They may even use pheromones and tactile communication to communicate with other wasps. They can also recognize different faces.

If you’ve ever had a wasp sting you, you know how painful it can be. Wasps can sting multiple times during their lifetime. They also can sting through thin clothing. But the sting usually subsides within an hour. You might want to consider wearing a stinger guard.

Wasps are primarily attracted to bright colors and flower scents. They also have a strong sense of smell for food. They’re not as attracted to dark colors and may sting if you brush against their nest. They also tend to stridulate when they feel threatened. They may do this to scare away a predator. They may also do this to alert workers when they’re feeding their larvae.

Despite their limited hearing, wasps can communicate with each other. They may buzz, stridulate, or make other noises. They may also tap the nest or regurgitate honey. They may even detect the nest construction.

The wasp tympanic organ is similar to the eardrum. It helps them record the vibrations in the air. The organ also helps them to interpret pressure differences in the air. It is also similar to the organ found in other insects.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!