
Can Wasps Die After Stinging?

Unlike bee stings, which cause pain and itchiness, wasp stings are painful, but do not usually kill you. They are also very unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. However, if you get stung, you should seek medical attention.

The human body was designed to deal with animal bites. In fact, most people can survive several wasp stings before experiencing serious side effects. However, if you are allergic to wasps, you could suffer serious medical consequences.

The venom of wasps is too weak to cause serious damage. It contains protein, which perforates cell walls and liberates tiny tissue debris. These debris normally clear out of the body through the kidneys. However, too much tissue debris can clog the kidneys, putting patients at risk of kidney failure.

A wasp sting is usually followed by swelling. The size of the swelling depends on how much venom was released. In addition, it can also depend on your tolerance to the venom. If you experience extreme swelling, you should seek medical attention.

Some people develop an allergy to wasp venom, which can lead to anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis is rare, but can be life-threatening. In addition to swollen throat and tongue, allergic people can also experience dizziness, vomiting, and loss of consciousness. Some people may also develop rashes.

Another potential side effect of wasp venom is kidney insufficiency. This is caused by an influx of damaged tissue into the kidneys. A small number of people suffer from hypersensitivity to wasp venom, which leads to a much stronger reaction. Some people even experience kidney failure.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!