
Are Wasps Bad For Gardens?

Whether you live in a rural or urban area, you may have to ask yourself: are wasps bad for gardens? They are beneficial creatures, and they help to keep pests in check. However, they can also be dangerous. If you’re stung by a wasp, you’ll likely experience swelling, blisters, and possibly an allergic reaction. If you’re worried about your health, ask a local apiarist to inspect your nest.

In the garden, wasps serve as pollinators and predators. They eat many different kinds of insects, including aphids, beetles, and spiders. They also collect aphid honeydew, which is rich in sugar.

Wasps are often seen in community gardens. They can be a problem when there are too many of them. They’re also a common pest in yards, where they can sting people. If you’re allergic to bee stings, it’s best to avoid planting strawflowers, which can be a favorite food for bees.

Wasps are also a common pest in trees. They’ll sting you if you disturb their nest. They can also build ground nests, which can be dangerous. They’ll usually be hidden, but you’ll know when they’re there.

Yellow jackets are also a common pest. These insects can nest in trees and shrubs, and they’ll sting you if you walk out into the garden. They’ll also eat insects that might damage your crops. They’re dangerous to pets.

In the UK, social wasps control around 14 million kilograms of insect prey each summer. They capture spiders, caterpillars, greenfly, and other insects. They’re dangerous during fruit downfall, so you’ll want to watch out for them.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!