Are Bees Or Wasps More Dangerous?
Those who are allergic to wasps or bees may experience a reaction. It may occur immediately after a sting or within a few minutes. If this reaction is serious, you may have to seek medical help. The symptoms of an allergic reaction include swelling in your face, mouth, and throat, difficulty breathing, and even loss of consciousness.
In general, bees and wasps are not more dangerous than each other. However, their temperaments do differ. Those who are allergic to bee venom can experience a severe reaction.
Bees and wasps both use venomous stings to protect their nests. They are not aggressive when they are in the nest, but if their nest is disturbed, they become aggressive. Wasps are also aggressive, and can sting several times in a short period of time. The most dangerous types of wasps are the yellowjacket and tarantula hawk. They deliver the most painful stings.
Bees and wasps are both important pollinators, but they have different temperaments. Bees tend to be docile, while wasps tend to be aggressive.
Some bee species are known to sting repeatedly, but these are very rare. The only bee species that dies after stinging is the honeybee. Those who have never been stung before will not have a severe reaction the first time. However, subsequent stings can lead to escalation of symptoms.
Wasps can sting multiple times, but bees only sting when threatened. When attacked, they release pheromones that help other bees become aggressive.