Why Are Termites Attracted to Ink?

There is no doubt that termites are one of the most destructive bugs in the house. They can destroy any part of the home they can get their hands on. They eat plant matter and wood and are not limited to the yard. They have a strong sense of smell and can follow a trail of ink if you give them the chance.

Luckily for homeowners, there are ways to combat termites before they turn into a major problem. These tactics include using a bait structure to lure them, using a termite trap, and spraying insecticides at the source of the infestation. But before you enlist the help of a pest control specialist, you’ll want to know how to stop termites in their tracks.

Termites use pheromones to find their food and communicate with other members of the colony. To attract other termites, they leave a chemical signpost. These signs aren’t visible to humans, but they are useful for communication. In the case of termites, they are called pheromones and they are produced by the sternal glands.

There are some pens and inks that mimic the pheromone. Some contain the chemical 2-phenoxyethanol. This compound helps dry the ink faster. It’s also structurally similar to the pheromones that termites produce. This may be a good way to nudge the critters in the right direction, but it’s not something to do all the time.

Choosing the right type of ink is an important first step towards exterminating termites from your property. There are some types of ink that don’t work as well as others. A termite trap is an effective way to collect termites in one spot and make it easier for a pest control professional to kill them.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!