Where Termites Lives Is Called The Termite Colony
Termites are social insects that live in a colony. A colony is made up of a king and a queen, as well as a few workers. The king and queen take care of the first few generations, while the worker termites are responsible for maintaining the nest.
A colony may contain as many as 21,000 to 365,000 members. In the early stages, a mated pair seeks out spaces between shingles of wood. These are the spaces where the king and queen form their own colony. Once the colony has been formed, the mated couple begins to lay eggs. The queen can lay as many as thousands of eggs per day.
When a colony is ready to grow, reproductive termites will emerge in swarms. Swarmers are typically darker colored than the rest of the colony, and their wings are located near the base of the structure. They are also attracted to lights.
The termite colony is a great source of protein. The cellulose found in all plants and trees is the food for termites. They also share a symbiotic relationship with intestinal symbionts to digest wood. They also chew through plaster and lead. They produce a large amount of methane gas, which is a greenhouse gas.
In the United States, termites are found in every state except Alaska. Termites are considered to be one of the most destructive species. The Formosan termite, which was originally from China, is the most aggressive. It lives in North Carolina and Georgia. It is difficult to control once it infests your home.