When Do Termites Swarm?

If you are wondering when termites swarm, there is no one set answer. Different species swarm at different times. However, most species swarm in the spring and summer. The number of swarmers varies according to the species of termite and the size of the colony.

Termites are wood destroying insects that can cause significant damage to your home. They are most likely to swarm during the early spring, which is when they are looking for new homes. They produce thousands of swarmers for expansion.

The number of swarmers depends on the species of termite and the size and structure of the colony. Some swarm in large numbers while others swarm in smaller numbers.

In most cases, termites swarm after a rain shower. These insects are attracted to the warmth and moisture of the weather. This helps them to build nests in damp soil. If the weather is too dry, these swarms will die.

Swarms can also be seen flying towards windows or toward glass doors. They usually come out of an attic or basement. These swarms can be a sign of an infestation. It is important to call an expert to inspect the swarm and determine whether it is an infestation or not.

Swarming termites can be very unsettling. They are often mistaken for flying ants or mosquitoes. The truth is, they are harmless. They swarm when the conditions are right to find a mate and start a new colony.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!